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Specialized Transportation Procedures

Operating Standards & Procedures

  • Please remember that students are required to be at their bus stop five minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival time.
  • It is required for the parent/guardian to call Dispatch at 206-393-4277 when your child will NOT be riding the bus to or from school. We would appreciate a 30-minute notice. If you call after hours or if no one is available to answer; please leave a voice message.
  • After three (3) consecutive days of attempting to pick up your child, with no prior phone call stating your student will not be riding that day, your student’s transportation will be stopped. As a result, you will have to call the Transportation Department to restart transportation.
  • It may be necessary for the parent/guardian or parent designee to help secure their child in the car seat, safety vest, seat belt, or Star seat as they load/unload the bus. By Law, drivers cannot get out of their seats while the bus motor is running. The bus driver will determine the safest person to securing your student.
  • A safe drive is dependent on communication with the driver. If there is anything that could help the driver maintain a safe ride to and from school (medical, behavioral, special needs), please communicate this to your driver(s).
  • Please notify the Transportation Department of any change to your students’ transportation plan. Any changes or additional requests require a minimum of four (4) school days for the change to be implemented. This would include changes in daycare accommodations and address changes for pick up or drop off locations.  In addition, it is important to please notify us immediately of any phone numbers that have changed. You may submit this information to Transportation by calling 206-393-4277 or at .  If the change or addition is received after 1pm on a given day the first day of processing will be the following school day.
  • It is important to be at your student’s bus stop five (5) minutes before the assigned pick up time. Due to traffic, the bus will wait no longer than (2) two minutes, as an exception not the rule. If the child is not out to the bus within this time or if traffic has been impeded, drivers have been instructed to leave.
  • Drivers are not allowed to honk the horn to get your attention.
  • Shoreline school buses do not travel on private property.
  • For the safety of our students, drivers are not authorized to drop off special-needs, pre-school, head start, and kindergarten children without a parent/guardian or designee, who has been pre-authorized by the parent in writing, to receive them at their bus stop.
  • Due to absentees and/or road conditions of routes, their drop-off time can change from day to day, so please be at your student’s bus stop five (5) minutes prior to scheduled drop off time. Students who are not met will be returned to their school. To authorize an adult to receive your student off of the school bus, complete the Permission to Release Form.