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Welcome to the Shoreline Schools Transportation Department

Main Dispatch Office


For all questions or concerns, please contact us at:


1216 NE 165th St., Shoreline, WA 98155



We are Hiring!

Bus drivers and mobility assistants are always in need to help Shoreline students safely get to and from school, activities, field trips, and athletics.

Learn more and apply

Play it SAFE

Image of the SAFE steps, also on this page in text

S: Stay at least 10 feet (five giant steps) away from the curb while you wait.

A: Always wait for the bus to stop completely and the driver to signal it's time to get on board.

F: Face forward once you're in your seat.

E: Exit the bus after it stops completely. Always cross in front of the bus, once the driver signals that it is safe to do so.

Student Conduct on Buses

The rules of conduct for students riding buses can be found in the "Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook," excerpted from School Board Procedure 8123P.

Director of Transportation

Susan Skorjanc


Transportation Supervisor

Chris Pace


Dispatch Secretary and McKinney-Vento


Driver Trainer


Shop Foreman
