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Internet Safety & Digital Citizenship

In the Shoreline School District, students access a wide variety of technology tools to enhance their learning. In the 21st century classroom, the internet serves as an unparalleled resource for information, avenue for communication, and context for skill practice. With these opportunities also comes responsibility. While at school, we have web filters in place to block inappropriate websites accessed on school equipment, there is no replacement for teaching safe internet habits. As students move up the grades, the district has programs in place to teach internet safety in a developmentally appropriate way. 

Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship curriculum is taught in libraries and classrooms throughout the district. Students practice safe and responsible technology use within these frameworks.

NetSmartz ( is a nationally recognized internet safety program that provides the school district with curriculum materials used to teach about internet safety. Three important themes in NetSmartz are

  • Online Predators
  • Revealing Too Much Information and
  • Cyberbullying

NetSmartz offers age-appropriate materials, including videos, games and activities, that discuss these themes in an engaging and effective way.

Concerns about internet safety at home? The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction offers a great brochure for families who are looking for ways to keep their children safe while online.

Cyber Safety: Tips for Safe Surfing

The brochure is available as a PDF download in nine languages:
English | Tagalog | Spanish | Cambodian | Korean
Russian | Somali | Ukrainian | Vietnamese

If you have any questions about the Shoreline School District’s digital citizenship & internet safety programs, please contact the Digital Learning Specialists: Paul Witzel at 206.393.4228 or