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Chromebook Program Information

2024-25 Chromebook Checkout Information

All incoming Shoreline 6th graders and 9th graders, and any other students new to Cascade K-8, Einstein, Kellogg, Shorewood, or Shorecrest, will have the opportunity to check out a Chromebook for school and home use for the 2024-25 school year. Please read the following important information to be ready for your student's Chromebook check out time. 

Check out Dates, Times, and Locations

  • Cascade K-8 - Tuesday, August 27th (will be done at Cascade K-8) during the school day
  • Einstein - Wednesday, August 28th (will be done at Einstein during the school day)
  • Kellogg - Thursday, August 22nd (4:00pm-6:00pm) at Kellogg Middle School
  • Shorecrest - Monday, August 26th (12:30pm-3:30pm) at Shorecrest High School
  • Shorewood - Thursday, August 29th and Friday, August 30th (will be done at Shorewood during the school day)

Students who can't attend their assigned checkout day may check out a Chromebook from their school's tech office on or after the first day of school.

Note: Chromebook forms must be completed before a student can checkout a Chromebook. See below for more information regarding the required forms.

Chromebook Fee

The Chromebook program fee for the 2024-25 school year is $35. This is an annual fee and applies to all 6th-12th grade students who take a Chromebook home. The Chromebook fee is payable via the online payment system. Additional Chromebook fees may apply for lost or damaged equipment. Please review the Chromebook checkout agreement for a list of these fees.

Required Forms

The 2024-25 Chromebook program checkout forms will be available in ParentSquare prior to the checkout date at your student's school. You will receive an email, and/or a notification via the ParentSquare app when the forms are ready. Forms must be completed before a student is allowed to check out a Chromebook.

Opt Out (In-School Only Option)

You may opt-out of the take-home Chromebook program by completing and returning the In-School Only Option form to the school's tech office. Families choosing not to receive a district Chromebook for full school/home access assume responsibility for providing adequate computer access at home for the completion of school assignments, Canvas access, etc. Students opting-out will have the option of checking out a Chromebook each day for in-school only use (may not be taken home). Please note that the district doesn't have a BYOD (bring your own device) program and personal devices may not be substituted for district provided Chromebooks.

Running Start Students

Running Start students must be enrolled in at least one class at Shorewood or Shorecrest per semester to be eligible to check out a Chromebook. Full-time Running Start students are not eligible to receive a Chromebook. Chromebooks are configured for Shoreline School District use and will not work with Shoreline Community College Google accounts.

Web Filtering and Monitoring

The Shoreline School District provides web filtering for Chromebooks both while on the district network and while at home. No web filtering is 100% accurate and filtering is not a replacement for active monitoring of your student's online activities. Inappropriate web browsing may result in activities getting flagged and automatically reported to district staff for investigation. We do provide an option for more restrictive web filtering off our network if that becomes required. To request additional filtering, please complete the Off Campus Restricted Access form and return to your school's tech office. 

Shoreline staff have the ability to monitor and manage student Chromebook usage during class. This ability is limited to school hours and only applies to district provided Chromebooks on the school district network. If you would like to monitor and/or put restrictions on internet access on your student's Chromebook, you can enroll in the District's home monitoring tool at

Network Use Agreement

All students are required to digitally sign the network use agreement in order to  log on to their school district issued Chromebook.  The agreement outlines the basic rules for using district Chromebooks, networks, and accounts and emphasizes 4 key points : using technology resources responsibly, safely, respectively and honestly.


Questions or Problems?

For general middle school and high school Chromebook program questions, please email: