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Student Services

The Student Services Department coordinates services to support schools, students, and families by addressing the unique needs of all students to maximize their achievement.

Student Services Includes:

We partner in MTSS, PBIS, and inclusionary practice work across the district. We partner with our schools to support families and students navigating the educational system, specifically in the areas listed above.


Trish Rodgers, Executive Director of Student Services 206-393-4239

Hillery Clark, Co-Director of Early Learning 206-393-4250

Amy Vujovich, Co-Director of Early Learning 206-393-4250

Ellen Kaje, Director of Categorical Programs and Academic Support 206-393-4117


Cassie Porter, Student Services Coordinator 206-393-4361

Alicia Favreau, Special Education Coordinator 206-393-4221

Behavior Intervention Specialists:

Kerri Schloredt, Behavior Intervention Specialist 206-393-4231

Kye Hong, Behavior Intervention Specialist 206-393-4328, available Tues, Wed and Thurs

Special Education Records Requests:

Ben Blackmer, Student Services Compliance Technician 206-393-4242, Fax 206-393-4241

Student Services Support Staff:

Jaime Sellers Anderson, Student Services Specialist 206-393-4239

Danielle Werner, Student Services Specialist/McKinney-Vento and Foster Liaison 206-393-3387

Susan Skinner, Early Childhood Education Office Manager 206-393-4250

Dawn Hamid, Student Services Specialist 206-393-4117


Shoreline Schools Staff, if you are looking for a link or document previously found on the Student Services Resources page, that information has been moved to the Student Services Canvas site. If you don't have the link to the course or are having trouble logging, in please contact Cassie Porter.