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Continuum of Services

A continuum of services is available to meet individual student needs.  Students are educated in the least restrictive environment (LRE) in which they will be able to progress toward their IEP goals.  This means that students with disabilities will be educated with students without disabilities to the maximum extent possible given their unique learning needs. IEP teams determine placement and services based on student need.

All schools have special education services for students with mild disabilities.  Each elementary has a resource program and the secondary schools provide skills classes through the Directed Studies program.  Specialists provide services such as speech and language, occupational and physical therapy, and hearing and vision services.  In addition, specialized programs are available for students with more significant educational needs.


Preschool services for students with an IEP will vary based on the individual needs of the child and will be described on your child’s IEP. Services typically occur itinerantly on an appointment basis or within one of our inclusive preschool classrooms at Edwin Pratt Early Learning Center.

  • Inclusive Preschool Classroom Services: Children who qualify for services from a  special  education teacher, typically attend one of Edwin Pratt’s inclusive preschool classrooms two to four half-days a week depending on their needs. In our inclusive classrooms, general education teachers, special education teachers, and therapists work together to design the environment and curriculum so that it is accessible and engaging for all children. Teams develop individual accommodations and supports, and provide specialized instruction within the preschool setting to the maximum extent possible, so that every child can fully participate, develop friendships and learn. Our classrooms typically include 15-20 children and around three to five of these children have an IEP.
  • Itinerant Services: If a child is only eligible for therapy services: physical therapy (PT), speech therapy (SLP) and/or occupational therapy (OT), an individual plan may be set up in which the child comes to the school for a regular appointment. They would meet with the specialist (SLP, PT, etc.) either individually or in a small group of students. These services are most often provided at Edwin Pratt Early Learning Center.


  • General Ed w/Resource Room and/or Itinerant Therapy Services - Students are assigned to a general education classroom and receives specially designed instruction (SDI) from a special education teacher and/or therapist(s).
  • Intensive Learning Support (ILS)- An ILS classroom has an academic focus with moderately modified instruction. Students are supported in learning groups of 8 – 12 and receive instruction in the mainstream classrooms as much as is appropriate. Staff ratios are typically 1 adult to 5 or 6 students.
  • Life Skills/Blended – A Blended classroom focuses on teaching functional level academics and life skills, self-advocacy, communication and independent living skills. Students have opportunities to co-learn with typical peers in the general education setting. The instruction and performance expectations are significantly modified and students are intensely supported in learning groups of 1 – 4. Staff ratios are typically 1 adult to 2 or 3 students.
  • Behavior Learning Support (BLS)- A BLS classroom focuses on social, emotional, behavioral  and self-management skills. Students performing at grade level academically spend as much time in the general education classroom as they can given their level of self-management skills.

Middle School

  • Directed Studies – Services may be delivered in classrooms where students receive specially designed instruction (SDI) from a special education teacher and/or therapist(s). Some services may be delivered in classrooms where a general education and a special education teacher co-teach  and provides SDI services.
  • Directed Studies Life Skills  - These programs focus on teaching functional level academics and life skills, vocational skills, self-advocacy, communication and independent living skills. Students are mainstreamed into general education or skills classes with adult support as appropriate .

High School

Transition Programs

These programs are for 18 – 21 year old students who have completed 4 years of high school and are ready to participate in vocational and living skills development in a supported environment with other young adults with moderate disabilities. 

Directed Studies

Services may be delivered in classrooms where students receive specially designed instruction (SDI) from a special education teacher and/or therapist(s). Some services may be delivered in classrooms where a general education and a special education teacher co-teach  and provides SDI services

Directed Studies Moderate to Severe Disabilities

This program is for students who require a self-contained program. These programs focus are on teaching self-care skills, vocational skills, functional academics and communication skills. Programs support students who may have significant behavior needs that require them to have supported and/or structured interactions with others.

Directed Studies Emotional/behavioral disabilities

This program is for students who require a structured environment that teaches self-management in order to successfully function in the school/community. The program focus is on teaching academic, behavioral, social/emotional and  self-management skills. Most students receive instruction in the general education courses.

Directed Studies Severe/medically fragile

This program is for students with extensive orthopedic or medical involvement who may need specific equipment. Students in this program are able to safely interact with others in school and community settings. The program focus is on communication skills, vocational skills, daily living skills and community access/involvement.