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ParaPro Study Materials

About the ParaPro Assessment 

What Is It?

The ParaPro Assessment measures the skills and knowledge in reading, writing and math possessed by prospective and practicing paraprofessionals. It also measures their ability to apply those skills and knowledge when assisting in classroom instruction. It was designed to satisfy the requirements of the federally legislated No Child Left Behind Act.

Who Takes It?

The test is for prospective and practicing paraprofessionals.

How Long Is It?

Test takers have 2½ hours to complete the test.

What Subjects Are on the Test?

Test subjects include reading, writing and math.

What Are the Questions Like?

The test has 90 multiple-choice questions, approximately two-thirds of which focus on basic skills and knowledge. The remaining one-third focus on applying skills in the classroom. All test questions are in English.

How Is the Test Given?

The test is delivered on computer and administered by appointment in participating school districts, regional offices of education and other agencies.  (ETS ParaPro)

Tips for Taking the ParaPro Assessment

FAMILIARIZE yourself with the test before taking it. Read the information and look at the types of questions and the test format. READ the directions carefully.

CONSIDER all answer choices before marking one.

PACE your activities. Know the total number of test questions and time allowed for the entire test. Work rapidly without being careless. Don't spend too much time on difficult questions.

GUESS rather than not respond at all. There's no penalty or subtraction of points for answering a question incorrectly. You risk nothing by guessing, but if you don't respond, you lose the chance to raise your score by making an educated guess.

MARK your answers clearly, and give only one answer per question.

REVIEW your answers if you finish early.   (ETS ParaPro)


ETS ParaPro Assessment: About ParaPro, Registration, Requirements


Materials to help you study for the ParaPro Assessment:

Reducing Test Anxiety  (File)

ParaPro Assessment Study Companion  (File)

ParaPro Test at a Glance  (File)

NEA ParaPro Practice (File)

Study Guide Zone-ParaPro Test (File)