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Student Meal Accounts

Student Meal Accounts

How It Works

When a student is registered at Shoreline School District they are assigned a student ID number and a meal account is automatically created. Meal purchases are rung to the student account at a cash register. Charges are deducted from funds you have already applied to the account or can be paid for at the time of purchase with cash or a check.

At the start of each school year, a barcode card is created for Elementary students to scan at the point of purchase. Students are directed by their teacher how and where to get their card prior to lunch each day.  This process varies from classroom to classroom. Please contact your student's teacher for process information specific to their classroom.

Both Middle and High School students type their unique student ID number into a pin pad at the cash register when making a food purchase.  Remind your student to protect their student ID number as they would with any confidential information.

To find out how to make a payment, check the Prices & Payments page.


Viewing Purchase and Payment Activity

The “Food Service” tab on your Family Access page is your source to view meal account balances, payments and purchase activity. To print a full report of your student's meal account activity for the current school year simply click on “Meal Statement”. This is also where you can apply electronically for free meal benefits. If you need help with your Family Access login information, contact the office at your student’s school.

Click here to see a screenshot of the "Food Service" tab on Family Access.

For more information about meal account balances and automated balance notices, check the Prices & Payments page.