Nutrition & Wellness
District Wellness Council
For questions or information about how to get involved, e-mail
Shoreline School District Local School Wellness Annual Progress Report 2023-2024.
Shoreline School District Local School Wellness Annual Progress Report 2022-2023.
Read the Wellness Council's Fall 2019 Wellness Newsletter
Shoreline School District Local School Wellness Annual Progress Report 2018-2019.
Shoreline School District Local School Wellness Annual Progress Report 2017-2018.
Shoreline School District Local School Wellness Assessment 2015.
Take a picture tour of the Shoreline School District Food Services program.
Fall 2024 Wellness Newsletter
Shoreline School Board Policies
#8200P Food Services Procedure
#8230P Nutrition & Wellness Procedure
Shoreline School District Nutrition Standards for the Classroom Environment
Nutrition & Wellness Resource Library
Allowable Foods for District-Sponsored Events FLOWCHART
Smart Snacks in Schools Regulations
Smart Snacks in Schools Calculator
Fundraising: Harlans Popcorn Kit
Non-food Reward Ideas
Non-food Alternatives for School Rewards and Fundraising
Non-food Classroom Party Ideas
School and Classroom Snack Ideas
Make holidays and parties fun and healthy, too! Below are healthy drink and food ideas for classroom parties.
Please ask the classroom teacher if there are any food restrictions due to allergies or other needs.
Drink Options:
Plain water (carbonated or uncarbonated)
Plain low-fat milk (white/unflavored)
Fat-free milk (plain, chocolate, other flavor)
Non-dairy milk (soy, rice, etc.)
100% fruit/vegetable juice with no added sweeteners
Snack Ideas:
Fruit/Veggies (fresh, canned, dried)
Hummus and whole grain crackers
Fruit and yogurt parfaits
String cheese
Beef jerky
Nutrition and Wellness Policy FAQ
In June 2017, the School Board approved the updated District Nutrition and Wellness Policy. The policy and procedures were developed over 24 months of lively debate, discussion, input and research. We want to commend and thank all who have worked to implement these procedures and most importantly, asked clarifying questions. As a result, we have developed a FAQ that we hope will further build your understanding and ongoing support as we continue to move towards creating a healthier environment for all our students.
- Why did the District decide to develop a District Wellness Policy?
- Why did the District decide to stop the sale of foods to students that do not meet the “Smart Snack” guidelines?
- Popcorn is sold to raise funds and/or to celebrate. Is there any popcorn recipe for our popcorn machines that meets the “Smart Snack” guidelines?
- Can we sell food and drinks on school grounds that don’t meet the “Smart Snack” nutritional guidelines?
- Are there guidelines for foods sold at District sponsored events outside of the school day?
- My student is asked to bring in food during school hours that represent their culture or country of origin. What can I send?
- My student’s classroom has snack time. What can I bring?
- Can food be included in class parties and celebrations?
- Can students be given candy, beverages, or food as an incentive or reward?
- Are there rules about the items sold in vending machines, ala carte at lunch time, and from Student Stores?
- Are there rules about the meals sold as part of the school breakfast and lunch programs?
- Can our school’s parent group host "Donuts with Grown-Ups” or similar events?
- Can Valentine’s Day cards include candy?
- Can the PTA have after school community events such as an evening gingerbread house making night?
- My student’s school is holding an after-school function. Do we have to wait 30 minutes until after the school day to start serving food?
- Can students be rewarded with pizza or ice cream for participating in a fun run or other activity?
- Can students be served root beer floats or fruit punch at a celebration during the school day?
- Can students purchase or be served diet or caffeinated beverages at school?
- A teacher asks a student to stay in from recess to finish homework and/or a class project, is this considered a form of reprisal/punishment?