Food & Nutrition Services
Shoreline School District displays all menus through My School Menus powered by Heath-e Pro (a Washington State company). Menus can be viewed online or by downloading the My School Menus app from Google Play or iTunes.
Scan the QR code to download the APP
For general menu questions, please contact Shoreline Food Services at 206.393.4209.
Breakfast and lunch service is available at all locations. Please check your individual school for service times.
Our district follows the Offer Versus Serve method for meal service. Watch this great You Tube video to learn about "Offer Versus Serve".
A lunch is made up of 5 basic food components: milk, meat or meat alternate, vegetable, fruit, and grain. Students must select at least 3 of these components for a complete meal (1 of which must be a vegetable or fruit).
A breakfast is made up of 4 food items: milk, fruit/vegetable, 2 grains (or 1 grain and 1 meat/meat alternate). Students must select 3 of these items for a complete meal (1 of which must be a vegetable or fruit). Print this guide to review with your student about how to make good food choices for breakfast!
My School Menus Tutorial
Á La Carte (Snacks & Extras)
The Food and Nutrition Services Program operates as a non-profit by balancing the budget through meal sales, á la carte sales, and State/Federal reimbursement; the program does not rely on the General Fund for support. Because á la carte items are not part of a USDA reimbursable meal, all these purchases must be paid in full at the time of sale, either with cash or by using funds on the student’s account.
A variety of snacks and drinks are offered for purchase, mostly at the Middle and High School level. All of our á la carte snacks and drinks comply with USDA Smart Snack Regulations. We recommend discussing your á la carte purchasing expectations with your student. To set limits on your student's á la carte purchasing ability, log into Family Access and follow these instructions.
What exactly is considered á la carte?
An á la carte item is any item sold that is not part of a first, complete meal. All of the following items sold separately, as individual items, are considered á la carte:
- Milk or juice sold separately from a complete meal (a complete lunch/breakfast can include milk or juice but must also include the other required food components to make it qualify as a complete meal). We are only subsidized to provide complete meals which is why we must charge for items that do not count as a meal.
- A second serving of the main entrée, also called second entrée or super (for example, a second slice of pizza).
- An entrée sold by itself (entrée only) without the rest of the components that make a complete meal.
- Snacks and special drinks such as bottled water, sparkling juices, or fruit sorbet.
Á La Carte Menus: Elementary School -- Middle School -- High School -- Aldercrest Campus
USDA Requirements
Shoreline School District Food and Nutrition Services strives to develop and provide healthy and appetizing meals to our students. Our meals are planned to comply with the USDA standards for the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. We are proud to meet or exceed USDA requirements.
Through the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, championed by the First Lady, Michelle Obama, and signed by President Obama, the USDA has made the most changes to the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs in 15 years. The goal of these changes is to help prevent childhood obesity and lead to a healthier generation of children.
Nutrition Quizzes
Take these fun quizzes with your student to learn more about school breakfast and lunch.
Submit a Recipe
Have a favorite recipe that you would like to see offered for school lunch? Is there a special recipe from your culture that you would like to share with Nutrition Services? Now is your chance to submit a recipe! Recipes will be reviewed for affordability, acceptability, and production. Submit recipes to Nutrition Services with your name and contact information to Shoreline School District, Attention: Food Services, 18560 1st Ave. NE, Shoreline, WA 98155 or by email.