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Community Facility Use Information

The Shoreline School Board wishes to encourage the use of school facilities by the community as long as the use is lawful and does not interfere with the district's educational programs, which is the primary purpose of the buildings and grounds.

Community use of facilities is subject to the terms of District Policy and Procedures 4330/4330P and the current schedule of user fees.  School Board Policy Manual

Funds may be charged for the use of school facilities to ensure that funds intended for the education of children are not used for other purposes.  Permission to use a particular facility may be denied based on a belief that the activity proposed may not be in the district's interest, or due to the level of previously scheduled use.  No person shall be denied the full enjoyment of the facilities because of race, creed, color, sex or origin.

Facility Use Request Documents

Please use these documents to request use of a school district facility and to understand the associated costs.

Application for School or Field Use

Application for Stadium Use

Fee Schedule

Stadium Fee Schedule

Completed applications should be submitted following these instructions:

  • Facility Use Requests for a particular school building are first submitted to the individual school's office for approval.
  • Facility Use Requests for all school district fields and Shoreline Stadium are submitted to the Shoreline School District Athletic Office for approval. Request forms should be emailed to:

Shorecrest, Shorewood, & Shoreline Center Theaters

For rentals of Shoreline School District Theaters, please contact Marc McCartney:

Shoreline School District theaters available for rent are: 

  • Shorecrest Theater
  • Shorewood Theater
  • Auditorium at the Shoreline Center

General questions about facility use in Shoreline School District can be sent to:

Please keep in mind that schools manage their own facility use schedules for their buildings and should be the first point of contact for use of a school (other than athletic fields).