Capital Projects
Welcome to the Shoreline School District Capital Projects Department
A capital project is a project to construct either new facilities or make significant, long-term renewal improvements to existing facilities and grounds. When we build a new building, modernize an existing school, or construct an addition, the project is planned to meet the district’s educational standards as well as the specific needs of the individual school.
Presently, money used for our capital projects is only acquired through bonds voted on and approved by Shoreline and Lake Forest Park voters. It is only thru continued community support of the bond program that the Shoreline School District is able to make facility improvements, replace fields & playgrounds, and build new schools!
Thank you, voters!
2006 Bond Approval
These are general obligation bonds in the principal amount of no more than $149,000,000 for the purpose of paying costs of making education technology improvements, making District-wide health, safety, and security improvements, renovating and improving existing school facilities and athletic/physical education fields and facilities, and designing upgrades or replacement for Shorecrest and Shorewood High Schools.
2017 Bond Approval
These were general obligation bonds in the principal amount of no more than $250,000,000 for the purpose of paying costs of rebuilding Kellogg Middle School, Einstein Middle School, and Parkwood Elementary School, and building an Early Learning Center at the Children’s Center Site that houses the District’s mandatory Early Childhood Education program, as well as Shoreline Children’s Center and Head Start programs.
Contact Info
Dan Stevens
Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Capital Projects
Jim Price
Manager of Capital Projects
Brenda Semeraro
Capital Projects Accounting Supervisor
Kim Angel
Capital Projects Office Coordinator
Melissa Miller
Capital Projects Office Coordinator
Capital Projects Email: