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Public Works Information

What is the Small Works Roster?

A Small Works Roster follows the statutes RCW 39.04.151 and RCW 39.04.152 as a listing of Washington State licensed contractors (not vendors or suppliers) who have applied to be placed on the roster and have met certain basic requirements (i.e., hold a Washington State Business and Contractor license, hold specified insurance coverage, responsible claims history, etc.). The Small Works Roster helps reduce the cost of bidding small projects and makes it easier for contractors to compete for public works projects.

What is "Public Works"?

Public Works is all work, construction, alteration or repair or improvement, other than ordinary maintenance, executed at the cost of the state or of any municipality, or which is by law a lien or charge on any property therein.

How to Apply

Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) Rosters is an online shared Small Public Works Contractor Roster and Consultant Services Roster for local governments in Washington State, including the Shoreline School District, to search for eligible Contractor and Consultant service providers by service category.


  • In order to receive bids from the Shoreline School District for projects such as these you must be registered on the MRSC roster.  The rosters are for contractors and consultants only, not vendors or suppliers.
  • To verify if your company is listed on the roster, please contact MRSC directly.

Register on MRSC Rosters 

Operated by the not-for-profit Municipal Research & Services Center of Washington (MRSC) , the MRSC Rosters is a fee-based service for all participants charged annually; however Contractors and Consultants do have a free option to register for individual Agency rosters.

Bids and quotes for supplies and materials are requested as needed and/or required per Shoreline School District Policy 7321 and all applicable state laws including RCW 28A.335.190.

Shoreline School District Terms and Conditions