Welcome to the Shoreline School District Purchasing Department
We ask vendors to email their invoices to avoid mail-processing delays. Please email to: accounts.payable@ssd412.org
For concerns, please contact:
Darryl Reed, Purchasing Supervisor, darryl.reed@ssd412.org
Shirley Kamm, Accounting & Business Manager, shirley.kamm@ssd412.org
The State of Washington delegates purchasing authority to the Shoreline School District Board of Directors. The School Board delegates purchasing authority to specific positions within the district. Given that authority, we have been entrusted as a steward of the public trust and their money to manage public funds in a responsible manner, manage risk, minimize liability, and provide for accountability.
Contact Info
Darryl Reed
Purchasing Supervisor
Anita Washington
District Cashier / Purchasing Technician
Purchasing Fax: 206.393.4215
Purchasing Email: slc.purchasing@ssd412.org