2025-26 Important School Year Dates
The 2025-26 calendar was approved by the School Board on July 23, 2024.
Key dates for students and families for the 2025-26 school year:
August 11: School offices open
September 3: First day of school grades 1-12
September 8: First day of school kindergarten and preschool at Edwin Pratt Early Learning Center
November 3-7: Elementary conferences (half-day release for elementary schools and Cascade K-8)
November 5: Early release for middle and high schools
November 11: No school - Veterans Day
November 26: Half-day release
November 27-28: No school - Thanksgiving Day and Native American Heritage Day
December 22 - January 2: No school - Winter Break
January 19: No school - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 23: No school - staff work day (will not be used as a make-up day)
February 16-20: No school - Presidents Day and Mid-Winter Break
March 2-6: Elementary conferences (half-day release for elementary schools and Cascade K-8)
March 4: Early release for middle and high schools
April 20-24: No school - Spring Break
May 25: No school - Memorial Day
June 1: No school - staff work day
June 18: Likely last day of school and half-day release
June 1 & 22: Make-up days #1 and 2, if needed