Calendar & Category Legend:
- School Board
- Shoreline School District
Calendar & Category Legend:
- Briarcrest Elementary
- Brookside Elementary
- Cascade K-8
- Echo Lake Elementary
- Edwin Pratt Early Learning Center
- Einstein Middle
- Highland Terrace Elementary
- Home Education Exchange
- Kellogg Middle
- Lake Forest Park Elementary
- Meridian Park Elementary
- Parkwood Elementary
- Ridgecrest Elementary
- Shorecrest High
- Shorewood High
- Syre Elementary
Printable Calendars
PDF calendars of important dates for the school year, which include bell times for full, early release, and half days.
2024-25 Calendars
2024-25 Important Dates (color)
2024-25 Important Dates (black and white)
Fechas importantes del ciclo escolar 2024-2025 (color)
Fechas importantes del ciclo escolar 2024-2025 (blanco y negro)
Filter by School
The Schools tab displays events at all Shoreline schools by default. To filter by school, use the blue funnel icon above the calendar view or select school(s) in this Filter by School section.
2024-25 District Events and Celebrations
In the Shoreline School District, we believe that celebrations, demonstrations of gratitude, and opportunities to come together as a community are important elements of maintaining a positive and welcoming culture for staff, students, families, and the communities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park.
September 23-27: Shorecrest Homecoming Week
September 27: SC Homecoming Football - 8:00 pm
September 30 - October 4: Shorewood Homecoming Week
October 4: SW Homecoming Football - 7:00 pm
October 25: Rotary Cup Football (SC vs. SW) - 7:00 pm
January 25: Kinderfest (tentative)
January 25 - February 28: Kindergarten open enrollment (tentative)
January 25: Hoopalooza (SC vs. SW boys and girls basketball) at Shorewood
May 3: Shoreline Track and Field Invitational at Shoreline Stadium
May 28: Shoreline Schools Retirement Celebration and Staff of the Year Awards
June 5: Pride Potluck
To be scheduled:
- Shoreline PTA Council Reflections Reception
- Shoreline PTA Council Golden Acorn Awards
- High school graduation ceremonies
2025-25 Observances and Appreciation
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
October: Disability Awareness Month
October 14: Indigenous People’s Day
November: Native American Heritage Month
November 13-19: Transgender Awareness Week
February: Black History Month
February 3-7: Black Lives Matter in Schools Week of Action
March: Women’s History Month
April: Genocide Awareness Month
April 7-11: NEW! Shoreline Schools All-Staff Appreciation Week
May: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May: Mental Health Awareness Month
June: Pride Month