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Language Resources

Shoreline Public Schools Language Access Plan

Parents/guardians of students in Shoreline Public Schools have the right to participate in their student’s education, including communicating with teachers and staff. The District will take reasonable steps to provide families with competent oral interpretation of materials or information about any program, service, and activity and to facilitate any interaction with staff significant to a student's education. The District will provide such service when reasonably anticipated as necessary or upon request.

The District uses the following services to meet the language needs of our community:

  • In-Person Oral Interpretation - In-person interpreters are available in over 100 languages, subject to scheduling and availability.
  • Phone Oral Interpretation - A phone service “Language Line” provides district staff on-the-spot interpretation in over 100 languages. Call any staff member and ask for interpretation in your preferred language and they will connect you.
  • Online Translation - A Google Translate tool instantly translates websites to over 100 languages.
  • Written Translation - Vital documents are professionally translated as needed and requested, subject to language population size.

The District will provide a written translation of vital documents for each language group that constitutes at least 5 percent of the District’s total parent population or 1000 persons, whichever is less. “Vital documents” include, but are not limited to, those related to:

  • registration, application, and selection;
  • academic standards and student performance;
  • safety, discipline, and conduct expectations;
  • special education and related services, Section 504 information, and McKinney-Vento services;
  • policies and procedures related to school attendance;
  • requests for parent permission in activities or programs;
  • opportunities for students or families to access school activities, programs, and services;
  • student/parent handbook;
  • the District’s Language Access Plan and related services or resources available;
  • school closure information; and
  • any other documents notifying parents of their rights under applicable state laws and/or containing information or forms related to consent or filing complaints under federal law, state law, or district policy.

If the District is unable to translate a vital document due to resource limitations or if a small number of families require the information in a language other than English such that document translation is unreasonable, the District will still provide the information to parents in a language they can understand through competent oral interpretation upon request.


Interpretation and translation documents for Shoreline Schools staff are now located within the Staff Portal, on the Language Access Resources page.