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In accordance with WAC 392-170-055, the Shoreline School District uses multiple objective criteria for identification of students who are Highly Capable. Shoreline School District uses a Totality of Evidence model to determine eligibility for highly capable services. A Multidisciplinary Placement Committee (MDPC) made up of teachers, specialists, and administrators reviews multiple indicators of a student’s aptitude and achievement, not just test scores, to determine whether the student is eligible for the program. Elements reviewed include highly capable assessments, district and state assessments, teacher recommendations, and supplemental information submitted by families. Shoreline's Highly Capable Services are designed to meet the academic needs of students determined through academic and cognitive testing to be in roughly the 95th percentile and above when compared to the general population. The committee looks for consistent scores and indicators of performance above the 95th percentile and/or work that is substantially above grade level in either area of eligibility (Math and ELA).

Assessments and Data Used in Eligibility Determination

Eligibility for Highly Capable Services is determined based on multiple criteria, including scores obtained from the highly capable testing process (CogAT), as well as other information available on students within Shoreline. Examples of such data include district achievement scores (i-Ready, Reading Inventory, DIBELS), state testing scores (Smarter Balanced), teacher feedback, and report card data. If district achievement data is not available for students, they may be administered the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.



Eligibility Guidelines

Students identified for Highly Capable Services in Shoreline generally score at or above the 95th percentile on assessments of both cognitive aptitude and academic achievement.

Note: For Primary Enrichment Program (PEP) services in kindergarten and first grade, students generally score in the top 10% for their school (90th percentile and above) on the CogAT Screener.

Eligibility Guidelines for ELA and math Chart


Appeals Process

If a parent/guardian disagrees with a decision made concerning qualifications for placement of a student in the Highly Capable Program, they may appeal the decision in accordance with Shoreline District Policy and Washington State Administrative Code (WAC 392-170-047). Decisions of the Multidisciplinary Selection Committee may be appealed within 10 days of receiving results.  

Appeals may only be made based on one of the following conditions:

  • An extraordinary circumstance occurred during testing that may have negatively affected the validity of the test results (ex. a traumatic event or an illness preventing completion of the test); or
  • A condition or circumstance believed to have caused a misinterpretation of testing results (ex. an incorrect grade level used on calculating an assessment score). 

FAQ's about Test Scores