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Dyslexia/Early Literacy Forum

Dyslexia/Early Literacy Forum Recording

Below is a recording of the Dyslexia/Early Literacy Forum that was held on May 12 from 3-4 pm. 

Dyslexia Work Group

In 2018, the Washington legislature passed E2SSB 6162PDF Download, which defines dyslexia as a specific learning disorder characterized by unexpected difficulties with accurate or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities (not an eligibility category for special education). By school year 2021-22, this bill will require districts to screen all students grades K-2 for indications of dyslexia and to provide intervention if needed.

OSPI has convened a Dyslexia Advisory Council comprised of parents, district representatives, and experts in dyslexia from across the state. This advisory will be publishing screening tools and resources as well as recommendations for interventions by June 2020.

OSPI uses the definition of dyslexia adopted by the WA State Legislature, 2018.

Dyslexia means a specific learning disorder that is neurological in origin and that is characterized by unexpected difficulties with accurate or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities that are not consistent with the person's intelligence, motivation, and sensory capabilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological components of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.

In Shoreline, we have convened a Dyslexia Work Group, including parents, teachers, and administrators from around the district. Our goal is to build awareness and understanding of dyslexia and prepare for implementation in 2021-22. 

For more information about E2SSB 6162 or Shoreline’s Dyslexia Work Group, please contact Ellen Kaje, Director of Categorical Programs.