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Dual Language

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Shoreline’s Dual Language Program serves native speakers of Spanish and English at Briarcrest Elementary School and Kellogg Middle School. The three goals for all participating students are:

  • Bilingualism and biliteracy
  • High academic achievement
  • Cross-cultural understanding

In order to achieve these goals, our program includes the following features:

  • Each classroom will have an equal number of students whose primary languages are English or Spanish
  • Students will work together in cooperative groups and with their “bilingual buddy”
  • Teachers will teach solely in the designated language of that class with no translation
  • In younger grades, 80% of the day's instruction will be in Spanish, 20% in Engilsh
  • By 3rd grade, 50% of each day will be taught in Spanish and the other 50% in English
  • Students will be taught to develop bridges between what they have learned in one language for use in their second language
  • Ongoing language acquisition and academic assessment to determine student needs will be performed in both languages
  • Content will be taught through enriched education

For more information on our Dual Language Program, please contact: 

María Treviño, Dual Language Program Coordinator

Lisa González, Briarcrest Elementary School Principal

Becca Whitney, Kellogg Middle School Principal

Ellen Kaje, Ph.D., Director of Categorical Programs and Academic Support