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Career & Technical Education

The definition of Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a planned program of courses and learning experiences that begins with exploration of career options. This supports basic academic and life skills and enables achievement of high academic standards. It encourages leadership skills, preparation for a liveable wage employment as well as encourages advanced and continuing education.

Shoreline is very fortunate to have a very talented and caring group of professionals who are focused on helping students make a successful transition from high school to the world of work, and/or continue their education through the military, technical school, two-year community college or university. Many of our CTE classes are aligned with the community colleges, so our students may earn college credit (Tech Prep) in high school while earning high school credit.

We are proud of our students' successes in CTE and welcome the public to come tour our programs. In addition, all of our programs have a business-industry advisory committee that is comprised of community members who help advise on how best to prepare our students for life after high school. If you would like to arrange a tour and/or would like to learn more about how you can become involved in CTE, or if you have questions about our programs, please contact us.

Contact Info

Dan Gallagher
CTE Director
Phone: 206-393-4779

Roxanne Brendible
CTE Office Manager
Phone: 206-393-4778

CTE Teachers & Programs