Students and Families
Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)/Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS)
Shoreline schools administer the Smarter Balanced Assessments in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math in grades 3 - 8 and 10, and the Washington Comprehensive Assessment for Science (WCAS) in grades 5, 8, and 11. Please see your school's web site for specific dates. For more information on these assessments, visit the OSPI Web site.
When do families receive results for testing?
Score reports are sent home via ParentSquare in the Fall. If you do not receive a score report, please contact your school for a copy.
Can I view my child’s test?
Yes. Parents can request to review their child’s test booklet(s) starting in early September. The test booklets are sent to the student’s respective school district for review. Please visit the OSPI website for information on how to request to view your student's test.
What do these scores mean?
The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has put together a one-stop shop for information on tests and scores. Visit their Web site to find out more. SBA Test Score Guide
Where can I find out more about Smarter Balanced Assessments?
Ready WA has a good overview of the assessments and how they can help students prepare for college and/or careers. The Family Guide to Understanding is a two-page flyer written in easy-to-understand language that answers key questions (what, why, who, how, and when) about Washington’s assessment programs. Information is also included about how families can support their student's success.
Parent Rights Regarding Student Participation in State Assessments
Information from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction about parents' rights to refuse testing can be found through the link above.
If parents wish to refuse testing, a form to submit that information to the District can be found below:
- State Testing Refusal Form-English
- State Testing Refusal Form-Spanish