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Support our Shoreline Students

We often get asked the best way that a family or community member who wants to support students in Shoreline School District financially can contribute. Each school's PTA or PTSA and Boosters are wonderful sources for donations, as are opportunities such as sponsoring another student's field trip fees or spiritwear purchase, when those options are available at a school. 

And of course, generous donations of time and expertise as a volunteer in our schools and programs cannot be measured in dollars!

At a district level, we also offer these opportunities for those who would like to contribute:

Shoreline Public Schools Foundation

Thank you to the Shoreline Public Schools Foundation and the generous donors who contribute to help enrich our schools! For the 2023-24 school year, over $100K from the foundation funded 46 Engagement Grants.

Einstein Tiger Mural

Einstein student mural project shown, funded by a Foundation grant

The top funding requests in 2023-24 were:

  • Literacy
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • AVID
  • Summer Learning Opportunities
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion experiences

For the 2024-25 school year, the Foundation is launching SAFE (Student Aid for Essentials).

SAFE is a new initiative with a simple and far-reaching goal, to keep kids in school by removing barriers for students who are living with a low income or experiencing a financial and/or family crisis. The SAFE program will act as a lifeline, providing immediate help for basic needs and emergency support.

Below are a few examples of what the support will fund:

  • Gift cards for groceries, gas, and necessities
  • School supplies
  • Backpacks
  • Field trip fees
  • Class and activity fees
  • Transportation to services outside of school

Please consider donating to the Shoreline Public Schools Foundation to support local students who are experiencing the most need.

Shoreline Public Schools Foundation




Shoreline PTA Council

This Council supports the local unit PTAs within the Shoreline School District by providing information, training, resources and opportunities to network with each other, giving them the tools to be successful child advocacy organizations. The voting members of our Council are the Presidents of each local PTA in our district, or a designated representative. 

PTA Council programs and services include:

  • The Works, a free clothing closet for children and youth
  • District-wide Reflections competition
  • Golden Acorn Award program
  • Legislative advocacy
  • Mental health committee

Learn more about PTA Council

Shoreline Special Education PTSA

  • Does your child have an IEP or 504 plan? Or do you think they need one? 
  • Looking for a community of caregivers that “get it"? 
  • Have students with IEPs or 504 plans in your class? 
  • Curious about inclusive education and want to learn more?

Educators, community members, caregivers, and students are invited to join the Shoreline Special Education PTSA.

Photo of Echo Lake PTA members at a table in front of the school

PTAs and PTSAs provide valuable support to students, staff, and families in all of our school communities.

Find your PTA here