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e-Flyers Distribution (Peachjar)

Shoreline Public Schools works with non-profit organizations and government entities to provide information to families about services and events by distributing flyers. We utilize a service called Peachjar to distribute flyers electronically. Flyers are distributed via email to families and posted on each school’s website and mobile app. 

Parents/Guardians: You are already subscribed to the service with the email address you provided to your child's school. You can manage your subscription (including unsubscribing) by visiting

How to Submit a Flyer for Distribution through Peachjar

To have your non-profit organization's flyer submitted through Peachjar, you must follow the instructions and guidelines below. Shoreline Public Schools reserves the right to decline distribution if any guidelines are not met.

Community Organization Flyers

  1. Check to make sure your flyer meets our guidelines (below)
  2. Go to
  3. Register with Peachjar as a Program Provider (account type)
  4. Select desired schools for electronic distribution
  5. Upload your flyer to Peachjar for approval

Your flyer will automatically be submitted to district staff for review and will be approved or denied based on the guidelines below. Please allow up to five business days for the process. 

*Free events, activities or services are not charged to use the Peachjar service. You can find instruction on how to request free posting of your free community event, activity or service HERE. Fee-based or fee-seeking events, activities or services are charged a $25 fee per school selected for distribution, which is less than the cost of printing and much more environmentally friendly. Details can be found at*

Groups not wanting to utilize the Peachjar service may continue to have a paper copy posted in school community bulletin areas (if space is available). 

School/ASB/Booster Flyers

Your school's Peachjar Administrator can upload flyers to that school's Peachjar account for distribution to just your school. Check your school's office to contact their Peachjar Administrator. If you would like to send a flyer to other schools, they must be sent from the District. Contact to submit your flyer to other schools besides your own.   Individual schools may post flyers for their site that promote information and events related to:

  • The School
  • Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTA, PTSA, etc.)
  • Shoreline Public Schools Foundation
  • Booster Clubs
  • ASB Clubs
  • Sports Teams

Flyer Approval Guidelines

Community flyers must be from nonprofit organizations having social, recreational or educational value to students. The dissemination of such materials is solely to provide families with information on activities outside the school district that may be of interest to their students. It does not reflect the district’s endorsement or sponsorship of the activity. The school or district shall not distribute materials that: 

  1. Promote the use of illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco or firearms;
  2. Promote hostility, disorder or violence;
  3. Are obscene, lewd or vulgar;
  4. Are libelous;
  5. Contain language that is intimidating, demeaning, harassing or threatening on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital or veteran status, including, but not limited to, racial, sexual or ethnic slurs;
  6. Promote commercial enterprises;
  7. Promote or oppose any political candidate, ballot proposition or legislation;
  8. Promote the violation of existing laws, regulation or ordinances, or official school policy, rules or regulations;
  9. Proselytize or disparage religious beliefs; or
  10. Inhibit the functioning of any school.
  11. Out-of-state or generic mass mailers from national organizations do not meet our definition of community organizations and thus will not be approved for distribution.
  12. Financial Aid Programs not sponsored by the District, PTAs and/or The College Board.

All non-district sponsored submissions must include the following disclaimer:

“Shoreline Public Schools is providing information about this activity as a service to our families and students. This activity is NOT sponsored by the District and the District assumes no responsibility for conduct or safety of the activity. In consideration for the privilege to distribute these materials, the School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney’s fees, and judgments or award."

Any material intended for districtwide distribution must be approved by the Public Information Office. If you would like a hard copy posted, please email a copy to for approval and delivery instructions.

Learn more about the benefits of Peachjar in the video below.