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Envision Shoreline: Strategic Planning

images of students and Envision Shoreline icon

The Importance and Benefits of a Strategic Plan

A strategic plan is an important tool for school districts, especially given the current complex educational landscape, and locally as we work through our significant budget challenges in Shoreline Schools. We need a smart plan to help our district face the future while keeping our mission and vision alive.

Purpose of a Strategic Plan

The primary purpose of a strategic plan is to provide a clear roadmap for the future of Shoreline School District, helping us make wise decisions about where and how to use our resources. This is important for our short-term fiscal stability, especially during the difficult budget challenges we are facing. At the same time, a strategic plan keeps us focused on our long-term mission and vision, guiding us through uncertain times while keeping us centered on our values and beliefs. 

But our strategic plan will not be just about surviving, it's also about thriving by making continuous, strategic improvements and bringing fresh ideas to our schools and district, particularly as our financial conditions improve. In this way, we can continue to create learning communities where our students can excel and thrive.

Benefits of a Strategic Plan

  • Clarity of Direction: A strategic plan offers a well-defined, shared vision for the future, enhancing the district's ability to set clear objectives and goals.

  • Efficient and Responsible Resource Allocation: Having a plan aids in the responsible and efficient allocation of resources, allowing us to prioritize initiatives that have the greatest impact on student success.

  • Engagement and Accountability: Engaging stakeholders in a planning process fosters a sense of ownership and accountability. It encourages the active participation of school staff, families, students, and the wider community.

  • Continuous Improvement: A strategic plan promotes a culture of continuous improvement by establishing a systematic approach to assessing and refining educational practices.

  • Adaptation to Change: In an ever-evolving educational landscape, a strategic plan helps us anticipate and respond to changes, ensuring that we can continue to provide an excellent education for all of our students regardless of the circumstances we face.

The Envision Shoreline: Strategic Planning Coalition

The Strategic Planning Coalition is composed of some appointed and some members selected from applications received.  This coalition includes students, staff, family, and community members who will work together to co-create the multi-year Envision Shoreline plan.

Strategic Planning Coalition Members

Envision Shoreline at School Board Meetings

Strategic Planning Coalition at Work

Meeting Schedule

All Envision Shoreline meetings will be held in person in the Shoreline Room at the Shoreline Center. Coalition members are expected to participate in all meetings.

  • Thursday, January 18, 5:30-7:30 pm

  • Thursday, February 8, 5:30-7:30 pm

  • Thursday, February 29, 5:30-7:30 pm

  • Saturday, March 9 (4 hours, 8:30 - 12:30)

  • Thursday, April 11, 5:30-7:30 pm

Meeting times may be adjusted by the committee after the first meeting.

Materials presented at Envision Shoreline meetings will be posted online, reports will be provided at School Board meetings as appropriate, a community survey will be included in the planning process, and meeting minutes of key decisions and action items will be posted. Meetings will be open to the general public. Because each meeting will include a number of break-out sessions, they will not be live-streamed or recorded.

Envision Shoreline Meeting Resources

Meeting presentations and other materials will be posted here following each meeting of Envision Shoreline.