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Poor Air Quality

When the air quality index rises above 150 (unhealthy), all activities will be brought indoors and windows will be closed.

Due to variation in air quality across the district, there are times when one school neighborhood's air quality is healthy and safe for all to be outside, while another school’s may not be. For this reason, when air quality indexes are between 101 and 150 (unhealthy for sensitive groups), individual school sites will monitor nearby readings on this Air Quality Sensor Map and determine when to hold activities indoors, taking into consideration the needs of sensitive groups in their schools.

This approach aligns with the Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools, endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

The athletics department monitors air quality for potential changes to after-school sports and activities and provides notice to building administrators. High school and middle school athletics typically continue until numbers rise above 150; however, individual student-athletes may have health concerns that require monitoring when the air quality is in the 100-150 range. Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) references the WA State Department of Ecology’s air monitoring network for decisions about athletic practices and competitions.

We encourage families to follow public health guidance for staying healthy at home, at work, and outside.