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School Capacity Review and Closure Consideration Task Force

Task Force Purpose

To make a recommendation about the one most viable elementary school for potential closure. 

  • Implications and factors related to a closure will be shared with the recommendation   

  • Any K-5 school closure, if implemented, would not take place until the 25-26 school year

  • The task force will bring a recommendation to the Shoreline School District Board of Directors and superintendent in the fall of 2024. The Board and superintendent will make a determination about whether or not to close a school at that time.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have received many questions about the task force's work and other information related to School Capacity Review and Closure Consideration (SCRCC). Please read our FAQs page for questions and their answers.


Follow the SCRCC Task Force Process

Meeting presentations and other materials are posted here following each meeting of the SCRCC task force.

As the task force reconvenes for fall 2024 meetings, the K-5 schools being considered as the one most viable school for possible closure in the 2025-26 school year are:

  • Brookside Elementary School
  • Echo Lake Elementary School
  • Highland Terrace Elementary School
  • Syre Elementary School

The task force's recommendation of the most viable school for one possible K-5 school closure is anticipated in mid to late October 2024.

During spring 2024 meetings, the following schools were removed from the list of schools being explored further for possible closure, for the reasons listed:

  • Meridian Park Elementary: With the highest enrollment and most unused classrooms in the district, closing this school would leave insufficient space to accommodate all students elsewhere. Its capacity is also crucial as other closures are considered.
  • Cascade K-8: As a special-purpose school serving both elementary and middle school students, closing it would save less than half the amount compared to other schools.
  • Parkwood and Briarcrest Elementary: Parkwood was recently rebuilt, and Briarcrest is undergoing significant renovations, resulting in lower maintenance costs for both schools. Both schools also house special programs (Parkwood’s Special Education and Briarcrest’s Dual Language Program) that would be costly to relocate. Additionally, both receive state and federal funding due to a higher number of students qualifying for free and reduced-price meals.
  • Lake Forest Park Elementary School: Lake Forest Park serves a relatively diverse population and a large number of families supported by subsidized housing, including families who speak English as a second language. Closure of this school would also have a relatively greater impact on middle school enrollment patterns and other schools during a boundary process.

  • Ridgecrest Elementary School: Ridgecrest serves a diverse population of students and receives federal funding to allow all students to receive free meals through the Community Eligibility Provision. Closure of this school would also have a relatively greater impact on middle school enrollment patterns and other schools during a boundary process.

Task Force Fall 2024 Meetings

All meetings will be held in the Shoreline Room, Shoreline Center (18560 1st Ave. NE), 5:00 - 7:00 pm.

  • Thursday, September 5
  • Wednesday, September 25
  • Tuesday, October 1
  • Thursday, October 10
  • Tuesday, October 15
  • Thursday, October 24

Materials presented at SCRCC meetings are posted on this page, reports will be provided at School Board meetings as appropriate, a community survey and/or forums will likely be included in the process, and reports of key decisions and action items will be posted when applicable. Meetings will be open to the general public; however, to ensure that the meetings are a safe space for members to speak freely, they will not be live-streamed or recorded.


As Shoreline School District examines the most effective and efficient ways to deliver the best educational service we can provide to our community, we must examine many factors, including declining enrollment, school funding limitations, and the resources and supports required. 

During fall 2023, a small team convened to review school enrollment and capacity data to determine if a school closure was feasible. 

The team:

  1. Reviewed:
    • Approximate closure savings
    • Prior closures and processes 
    • School capacity data
    • Enrollment trends and 2023 demographer report
  2. Modeled the impact of school closures on the capacity of other schools
  3. Determined that, in terms of school capacity, a closure was feasible; and recommended moving forward with a larger review process involving district task force and use of additional data.

At the December 5, 2023, School Board meeting, a report of this initial review process was shared. Following presentation of this information and board discussion, the School Board gave direction to proceed with forming a task force that will work toward making a recommendation in fall 2024 of the most viable elementary school for possible closure for the 2025-26 school year.

Presentation | Video Recording

Closing a school is not a decision that is taken lightly, nor is a school closure a foregone conclusion of the work of the School Capacity Review and Closure Consideration (SCRCC) task force. The group will conduct a deeper review of school capacity and consider the benefits, drawbacks, and realities of closing a school in Shoreline.

Process and Timeline

January 2024:

  • Small team reconvened in January/February to review additional information and to make final adjustments to the planning process before convening the full task force.

    • Reviewed:

      • School facilities report

      • Updated demographer’s report

      • Updated budget information

  • Convened capacity review and closure consideration task force

February-June 2024:

  • Task force:

    • Established criteria for recommendation

    • Reviewed enrollment, demographic, program, school capacity, and building condition data

    • Considered community input and Race & Equity Tool

Fall 2024:

  • Task force recommendation to School Board

  • 90-day public hearing period prior to School Board decision

If a school closure is approved by the School Board, boundary, transition, and school closure processes will be initiated in advance of the 2025-26 school year.

Task Force Members