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Photo of school bus picking up children on a snowy day
Weather Delays and School Closures

When winter weather hits, our top priority is the safety of students and staff.

Two options may be used for emergency conditions:

  1. Shoreline Schools are closed
  2. Shoreline Schools are open and starting two (2) hours late

School cancelation, late start, and early dismissal details

It's time to sign up for kindergarten
Do you have a child who will be 5 years old by August 31?

If so, it's time to enroll in kindergarten!

Children must be five years old by August 31, 2025, to be enrolled in kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year. Enroll your child by Feb. 28 for priority placement at your neighborhood school, but we accept students at any time.

Learn more and enroll

visual of the three key areas of focus and related photos of Shoreline students
Key Areas of Focus

Our strategic plan, “Envision Shoreline – Engage. Inspire. Empower.” is built around three areas of focus that create an integrated framework designed to ensure that students are prepared to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally:

  • Every Student Supported
  • All Students Literate
  • Each Student Thriving

During the budget emergency we are currently facing as a school district, the clarity of three areas of focus and our shared vision will help us navigate our path forward.

Learn more about Envision Shoreline

Photo of Kellogg Middle School students eating school lunch, including rainbow carrots
School Meals: Delicious and Nutritious!

Shoreline School District Food and Nutrition Services strives to develop and provide healthy and appetizing meals to our students. We are proud to meet or exceed USDA National School Lunch and Breakfast Program requirements.

Many items offered at breakfast and lunch are made from scratch right here in the district, and Harvest of the Month events feature locally sourced products, such as rainbow carrots.

View School Meal Menus

two middle school students working on a STEM project
Enroll Now in Grades K-12!

We accept students throughout the year, and it's not too late for the 2024-25 school year!

So if you are new to Shoreline or Lake Forest Park, or you have a young child enrolling in school for the first time, now is the time to sign up for school in Shoreline School District.

Shoreline schools are open to students who live within and outside of the boundaries of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park.

Learn More and Enroll

student receiving a meal at a school lunch counter
Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications Available

Apply today for free breakfast and lunch for students while at school.

Applications are available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, and Tingrinya.

Learn More and Apply

A child and family are welcomed to Edwin Pratt Early Learning Center
Welcoming Environments for Families

Shoreline Schools welcome students and their families with smiling faces, from our youngest preschool learners to high school seniors about to finish their K-12 schooling journeys with us.

Parkwood Elementary viewed past school sign in foreground
Shoreline Elementary Schools Serve Students in Kindergarten - Grade 5

Nine elementary school buildings serve a diverse population of young learners from Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, and beyond the Shoreline School District boundary.

Key District Information

Watch this space for the latest information about strategic planning, our school district's budget emergency, and more.

News & Events

Black Lives Matter in graphic that forms a heart shape

Black Lives Matter at School Week will be celebrated in Shoreline schools on February 3-7, 2025. During this week, Black Lives Matter at School lessons will be delivered that cover the themes of equity and justice in the Black community.
